Simulating Dust with Fume FX
01.1 Before Simulating Dust Fumes through Fume FX, we have to re-cache the whole simulation. So in order to do that we have to remove the older Cached Simulation first...
Resource for Animators, VFX Artists, Game Designer, Graphic and Web Designers
01.1 Before Simulating Dust Fumes through Fume FX, we have to re-cache the whole simulation. So in order to do that we have to remove the older Cached Simulation first...
01.1 We will continue by adding in a new group with the name of ‘Box Front Back’ while renaming the old ‘Box‘ Group as ‘Box Ryt Lft’. Remove the ‘Frnt’ and ‘Back’ geometry from the ‘Box Ryt Lft’ group and add...
01.1 We will start adding forces by creating a separate dynamic set for each one of them, inside the ‘Main’ dynamic set. Rename this new Dynamic set as Gravity. Bring in the...
01.1 Fire up the file ’03_Box_Fragmentation_01′ from the project files. We will get a rough animated model of a Cardboard Box unfolding itself. We will now fragment this box using Ray Fire....
01.1 Create a basic scene with a square flat box having a higher number of segments defining the floor and a sphere which we are going to use as the breakable object....
01.1 Create a basic scene with a square flat box having a higher number of segments defining the floor and a sphere which we are going to use as the breakable object....
01. In this lesson we will cover the Basic Workflow of Match-Mover, like Importing Sequences, Automatic Tracking and Exporting the Point Cloud into Maya. Here is the Basic interface of...
Match moving is primarily used to track the movements of a camera through a shot so that an identical virtual camera move can be produced in a 3D animation program. When new animated elements...