12 Steps to Crack Design and Animation Career Code
All my life I have been surrounded by students who do not know where to go and what to do. Do not worry that is a natural stage. It is a sign that you’re...
Resource for Animators, VFX Artists, Game Designer, Graphic and Web Designers
All my life I have been surrounded by students who do not know where to go and what to do. Do not worry that is a natural stage. It is a sign that you’re...
Fine Art people create a world that you can look at, whereas Animators create a world you can inhabit or be apart of. So, if you are not sure of a world and you...
From Model to Model Sheet Be it classical animation, storyboarding or comic book art, there is one inevitable jump without which these careers can never start. Yes it is a jump from “Model” to...
ANIMATION Whenever Stanchfield mentions about acting in animation, he would talk about getting sensitive to the gesture. By this he means to be able to first see and feel the motivation behind the pose....
Whole collection of Walt Stanchfield (Drawn to Life) is preaching on making each single frame/drawing “living”. If that achieved, chances of the sequence of frames being live is just a matter of some animation...
We face lot of students and aspirants lost in the question of 2D animation, 3D animation, Classical animation, their difference, their necessity etc etc. I feel like stating that broadly speaking for students there...
Very often I have recommended my students to create single panel cartoon strip. It is a “net practice” for Animation Film Making. Seems awkward? Animation Film making involves lots of stages/skills as we all...